Friday, July 12, 2013

Your First Visit: What to Bring, Who to Bring, Etc

The biggest day of your life is preceded by some of the biggest decisions of your life. After 25 years we've acquired a few tips and best practices to make your visit efficient and productive.

It's never too early to begin looking. Special orders can take up to 6 months. We'll need up to 4 weeks to complete your complimentary alterations. If you're planning to diet down, you may need an additional fitting if you miss your target. You'll also have ample time to pay off your dress with our generous layaway plan.

We welcome everyone you choose to bring, but advise against bringing an entourage. More guests means more opinions and those opinions may not reflect what you desire. We understand the pressure to include everyone in the process but if that's the case, we suggest doing some visits on your own with a trusted friend or two. In particular, someone who truly understands what you want and/or has a similar vision. After narrowing your choices and the specific boutiques then you can involve that larger group. Their own experience will be more enjoyable if they are choosing between 2 or 3 of your selections at 1 or 2 boutiques than choosing between 4 or 6 selections from 3 or 4 boutiques. They'll still play a role in the process and you can spend the rest of the day enjoying their company and planning the rest of your big day. In any event, all of your guests are welcome.

We do welcome well-behaved, supervised children but please limit the number of children for obvious reasons.

Please do bring any accessories you have already purchased or plan to wear, your shoes in particular. During your first visit you can borrow a pair of ours and we have a few different heights. At the time of your first fitting you'll definitely want to bring the shoes you plan to wear. A hand-me-down like a veil or headpiece is a great item to bring, especially if it's a particular color or shade.

If you know your venue and the time of day, please tell your consultant. Whether it's indoors or out and  night or day has a significant impact on your selection. Our bridal dressing room lights can be dimmed if you wish to see how your gown may look at night or indoors. You're also welcome to leave your dressing room and view yourself on a showroom pedestal for more natural lighting.

Do your homework and come with a few examples in hand. We post every single gown we receive as they arrive. Our Facebook and Pinterest pages are a great resource for our new arrivals. However, keep an open mind. More often than not, a bride leaves with a different gown than she anticipated. We have a lot to choose from and our consultants can recommend options that are truly flattering.

Be honest about your size. We carry gowns from 0-20+ and our clients come in every shape. We've seen it all and the measuring tape doesn't lie. Most designers run a few sizes smaller or larger than normal clothing. Please don't be offended if we recommend ordering a size larger. It's much easier to take a dress in than let it out. Knowing and ordering the correct size makes for a better fit.

Cameras and pictures are usually forbidden throughout the industry. These restrictions originated for competitive reasons and to reduce counterfeiting. In the modern era, every designer posts photos of their gowns online. Still, most boutiques forbid photographs until at least the point of sale. Even Kleinfeld from TLC's reality show, "Say Yes to the Dress" forbids photographs.

At Pomp & Pageantry, we are so confident in our customer service, prices, complimentary, free alterations, and generous layaway plan that we not only allow photographs but we encourage them. In fact, we have wireless internet available if you wish to Facetime or Skype a friend or family member.

We only ask that photos be limited to appointments or the dressing rooms. Pulling out dresses and running through the racks snapping pictures would create a mess and be a distraction to other clients. Photos of our collection are readily available on our Facebook and Pinterest pages.

This concludes the opening series of our blog. Please check back often as we cover other aspects of our boutique, products, events, and other frequently asked questions. If you have a request to review a venue, product, or other questions please email us at If we cover your inquiry on our blog we'll send you a $25 Pomp and Pageantry Gift Card.

Yesterday: "Appointments & Walk-Ins"

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